Option Chain screen area

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Option Chain screen area

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What is the Option Chain screen area?

The Option Chain screen area is where the available Option Symbols and their Prices are displayed.

In order to display any data it requires prior selection of Trading Date/Time (from the "Home" menu item in the Ribbon screen area) and also prior selection of the Underlying vehicle (from the Underlying screen area).

In addition, this screen will show which (and the quantity) of Option Symbols you have in any currently selected Open Position.

In order to display this Position data it requires the selections above and the additional selection of the Open Position (from the Open Position screen area).

Finally, this screen allows you to create a new Position or to adjust an existing Open Position.

Creating or adjusting Positions is effected by selecting Option Symbols contract quantities and adding them to a "Model" to build up a Position proposal. This proposal or model can be analysed in the same way as we would analyse an Open Position, by using the tools available in the Analysis Tools screen area. Thus the effects of varying Option Symbol combinations and contract quantities on a new or existing Open Position can be investigated (or "modelled").

Show me the Option Chain screen area...

The following screen shot shows a typical Option Chain screen - in this example it details Oct, Nov and Dec 2011 Option Symbol Strikes for the RUT underlying as of Monday 17th October 2011 at the end of the day:

The Option Chain screen area of ONE

Note that the Option Chain area displays data in a two dimensional scrollable grid with the different expiration months available running left to right and the option strike prices running up and down - with the top half of the whole grid displaying Call strikes and the bottom half displaying Put strikes.

When back-testing - and thus using historical prices - all option strike prices will be appear black in color. However, when showing live prices - and thus subjected to market driven changes - the option strike prices will appear black, blue or red in color depending upon if the individual price is unchanged, increasing or decreasing respectively, compared with its previous tick price.

The values in the column named "Pos" (short for Position) are the quantities of contracts for the respective Option Symbol Strike that have been added to the Open Position (how these values are added to the Open Position - via the "Model" - is discussed below).

Finally note, on the top header line can be found information about each expiration month. This information is of the form:

Expiration Date (Number of days left to expiration)     Implied Volatility of the Option Series

For example, "18 Nov 11 (32)  40.59%" as in the following screen:

Option Chain Strike Header information

This indicates that the Option Series below the header has an expiry date of 18th November 2011 with 32 days left to expiration and the current Implied Volatility for the series is 40.59%.

Problems with the Option Chain screen area?

ONE is not displaying your Position as you expect?

Check that you have selected the correct Account, Trading Date/Time, Underlying vehicle and Open Position.

ONE is not displaying the Strikes or at the prices you expect?

Check that you have selected the correct Underlying vehicle and Trading Date/Time

Check that the Underlying hasn't undergone a "reorganization" - such as a  Stock Split - please refer to the Statistics and Fundamentals tab on the Analysis Tools screen area (see here) for further details. Such reorganizations can profoundly changed the reported Underlying and Strike prices. (though do not necessarily affect the overall financial situation).

Note that OptionNET Explorer does not currently automatically process Split Stock - the only way to handle a stock split is by manually closing the position on the day before the split and then reopening the same position on the day of the split at the new ratio (to reopen a closed Position see here).

Tell me more about the Option Chain screen area...

The Option Chain screen area allows you browse available Strikes and get information about them.

To help with this, please note the screen control situated in the top left hand corner of the Option Chain screen, as shown in the following screen shot:

Option Chain Horizontal Control & Field selection

This control has three options or icons:

The first two icons - arrow left and arrow right - allow the user to scroll back and forth through the various Expiration Dates available. For example, if the Option Chain grid is currently showing Oct, Nov and Dec 2011 Strikes, as shown in the following screen shot:

Option Chain Expiration browsing

...then pressing the forward arrow (the second icon) will shift the displayed Strikes to Nov, Dec 2011 and the next Expiration Strike at Mar 2012.

Option Chain Expiration browsing

Pressing the backward arrow will then restore the display to Oct, Nov and Dec 2011 Strikes.

In addition, it is possible to scroll up and down to see the other available strikes (only those Strikes nearest to the current Underlying Price are shown by default) by using the scroll bar at the right hand side of the screen area:

Option Chain Strike selection


What are the values displayed for each Strike?

Note that for each Expiration and Strike there are five fields displayed:

The data items displayed on the Option Chain

Data Item Name



The Mid price of the Option Symbol.

The middle point between the Bid and Ask price of the Option Symbol.


The calculated Implied Volatility.

A measure of how much the Option Symbol price is subject to change. A low IV indicates that the price is relatively stable, while a high volatility indicates that the price is subject to large swings.


Configurable - see below.

Default field is "Delta".


Used to add a quantity of contracts to the "Model".

Positive numbers = contracts Bought.

Negative numbers = contracts Sold.


The number of Option Symbol contracts that already exist in the currently selected Open Position.

Positive numbers = Buy.

Negative numbers = Sold.

The third icon allows the user to select a field for display in the configurable column as introduced above. By pressing the third icon you are able to select which field you want to see displayed in this third column, as shown in the following screen shot:

Option Chain Field Selection

The configurable column can also be changed by clicking on its column header, as shown in the following screen shot:

Option Chain Field Selection


The available data fields for display in the Option Chain

Data Item Name



One of the Greeks - a measure of the sensitivity of the price of an option to changes in the price of the Underlying.


One of the Greeks - a measure of the sensitivity of the price of an option to changes in volatility.

Extrinsic Value

The time value of the Option.

Original Price

The price of the leg when the position was opened (only appears if you have an open position at that strike/expiration cycle).

Trade Leg PnL

The Profit or Loss of that option since the leg was opened in the Position (only appears if you have an open position at that strike/expiration cycle).

Original IV

The Implied Volatility of the leg when the position was opened (only appears if you have an open position at that strike/expiration cycle).

IV Change

The change in the Implied Volatility of that option since the leg was opened in the Position (only appears if you have an open position at that strike/expiration cycle).

IV Change%

The percentage change in the Implied Volatility of that option since the leg was opened in the Position (only appears if you have an open position at that strike/expiration cycle).

Traded Volume

The number of option contracts currently traded on all exchanges.

Ticks (Trade Count)

The number of trades reported by the exchange.

Avg Trade Size

The Average Trade Size.

Open Interest

The total number of option contracts that are currently open. This value is reported by the exchange and updated after market close. It is not updated through the trading day.

Tell me more about the Model...

The importance of the Option Chain screen area lies in its ability to allow you to model individual trades to build up a trading position.

A Model is built consisting of Option Symbol Strikes by entering a number of contract quantities in the corresponding "Model" cell - this allows for modelling or simulating a strategy. The effect of the Model on the Open Position as a whole can be gauged by referring to automatically updated statistics in the Trade Analysis screen area or from the charts in the Analysis Tools screen area.

If you decide the Model is acceptable as an adjustment to the currently selected Open Position then it can be "Committed" - effectively moving the number of contracts for the Option Symbol in the Model column to the Position column.

Show me how to create a Model trade and convert it to an Open Position...

First select the Option Symbol Strikes you want to add into the Model (this example is a new position but the processing is the same when amending an existing Position except that you would first select an existing Position from the Open Position dropdown control):

Creating a Trade - selecting the Strikes

In the Model column add the number of contracts for each Option Symbol Strikes you wish to include in your simulated Position:

Creating a Trade - allocating the Strikes

In the example above, we have are simulating and Call Butterfly strategy by selling 2 contracts of the 690 October Calls, buying 1 contracts of the 705 Calls and 1 contract of the 675 Calls in the same expiration month.

If you are happy with the Model and wish to add it to the Position then press the "Commit Trade" button in the "Home" menu item in the Ribbon screen area:

Creating a Trade - the Commit Trade button

You will then be presented with the following "Trade Documentation" screen where you can enter further information:

Creating a Trade - Position Snapshot


Because some of the actual trade details cannot be known to ONE (for example, at the time of trading with your broker the Underlying price may differ from that as suggested by ONE when you come to Commit the Trade) we therefore have the ability to overwrite the default Position Snapshot values.

The data items displayed on the Trade Documentation screen

Data Item Name


Trade Name

The descriptive name used to identify this Position.

Trade Category

The type of Position. Use the dropdown list to select the Position that most closely represents your trading strategy.

Trade Id

If the Position is new then this is set to "Start New Trade" otherwise it will be set to the Trade Id of the Open Position being modelled.

Important: You can change the Trade Id on the Trade Documentation screen to any existing trade, open or closed. When selecting a closed Position you are effectively re-opening that Position.

The Trade Id is your unique Trading Position identifier. Each time you create a new Position, regardless of which Account or Underlying you are working in, the new Position is allocated a Trade Id that is sequentially generated by the software.

Option Symbols

The individual trades making up the (intended) Position.

Display only.

Position Snapshot

Various data items related to the (intended) Position.

Show me more about the Position Snapshot.


Any comments that you feel are relevant to the trade. This is a good place to record your reasons for making the trade or any subsequent adjustments you make.

Displayed in the Risk Profile on the Analysis Tools screen area if configured.

For example, a completed Trade Documentation screen may look something like this:

Creating a Trade - Position Snapshot

On pressing the "Save" button, the Option Symbol Strikes contracts in the Model column will be transferred to the Position column, thus creating the Position:

Creating a Trade - Commited to the Open Position

When entering the Model trades there are some useful shortcuts available which are accessible by clicking on the Model column header:

Modelling Shortcuts in Option Chain

These features are described below:

The shortcuts available in the Option Chain Model Column

Shortcut Name


Enter Closing Model Trades

ONE determines which trades are required to close the current Position and populates the Model with said trades. If trades have already been entered into the Model, then those trades will have to be cleared first before ONE can enter the closing trades.

Clear All Model Trades

Clear all trades in the Model columns thereby deleting the proposed adjustment.

And finally, the Open Position, Trade Analysis and Analysis Tools screen areas will be updated to reflect the new or adjusted Position:

Creating a Trade - updated Open Position screen area

This is how the Trade Analysis section might be updated to show the new Position:

Creating a Trade - updated Trade Anaysis screen area

Note that the name of the Position has been prefixed by "#5": this means that it has been allocated a Trade Id of #5.

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