Ribbon screen area

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Ribbon screen area

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What is the Ribbon area?

The ONE Ribbon is a display area at the top of the ONE main screen and whose contents vary according to the selected menu tab. These menu tabs are found on the top line of the Ribbon and currently include:


AutoExplorer (not yet implemented - please watch this space)



Mentor (this tab item is only visible to users with Mentor-level authorisations)

In addition, there are some additional utilities displayed on the top right hand side of the ONE main screen - an area which we can call the "Information Ribbon" - note that this area is always displayed, regardless of which menu tab has been selected.

Tell me more about the Ribbon screen area...

Unlike the more familiar popup menus seen in many PC applications whose options are only displayed for a few seconds, the components of the Ribbon are always visible to the user, allowing easy access. You may already be familiar with the concept of the Ribbon if you are a user of (recent versions of) such PC applications as Microsoft Word or Excel.

Show me the Information Ribbon...

The Information Ribbon


Tell me more about the Information Ribbon...

The following features are available:

Utilities available on the Information Ribbon



Users OnLine

Displays the number of users currently logged into ONE. Clicking on this will open up a window displaying a list of users currently logged into ONE - however, the actual display will depend upon your level of access to ONE.


Not yet implemented - please watch this space.


Not yet implemented - please watch this space.


Not yet implemented - please watch this space.

? (Question Mark)

Show the ONE User Guide (the document you are currently reading).


Displays your ONE user name.

OptionNET Explorer Banner

Clicking on the "OptionNET Explorer" banner opens up your default web browser and takes you to the ONE website.

Immediately below this banner is the version number of the ONE software you are running and the date this version was built or released.

Show me the Home tab...

This is how the Ribbon looks when the “Home” menu tab is selected:


The Home menu tab is the default tab shown in the Ribbon when ONE is first started. It is also the tab that is of most immediate use when trading and analysing Positions as it allows the selection of Trading Accounts, Trading Date & Time and the Committing of Trades.

Tell me more about the Home tab...

More details about the Home tab can be found here.

Show me the Configuration tab...

This is how the Ribbon looks when the “Configuration” menu item is selected.


The Configuration menu tab is where you can impose your personal preference on the way that ONE performs some of its calculations or displays data.

Tell me more about the Configuration tab...

More details about the Configuration tab can be found here.

Show me the Support tab...

This is how the Ribbon looks when the “Support” menu tab is selected.


The Support tab contains various utilities useful for the resolution of issues or problems and for the requesting of new features.

Tell me more about the Support tab...

More details about the Support tab can be found here.

Problem: I don't have a Ribbon!

The Ribbon can be hidden to free up some screen space for the benefit of other screen areas - perhaps you have inadvertently hidden the Ribbon? No problem, here is how to hide and restore the Ribbon:

Hiding the Ribbon:

To hide the Ribbon you need to perform the following sequence:

Select one of the menu tabs, for example "Home".

Right click on one of the Buttons, for example "Settings".

Select "Minimize the Ribbon" (see example screen shot)

Hide the Ribbon


Alternatively, double left clicking on one of the Ribbon tabs (for example, "Home") will also hide the Ribbon.

Restoring the Ribbon:

Here's what the top left hand section of ONE looks like when the Ribbon is hidden:

The Ribbon Hidden

Note that the menu tabs (Home, AutoExplorer etc) are still visible. Selecting one of these menu tabs will temporary restore the RIbbon, but once you click on any other screen area then the Ribbon is again hidden.

To permanently restore the Ribbon you need to perform the following sequence:

Select one of the menu tabs, for example "Home".

Right click on one of the Buttons, for example "Settings".

Select "Maximize the Ribbon" (see example screen shot)

Maximize the Ribbon


Alternatively, double left clicking on one of the Ribbon tabs (for example, "Home") will also restore the Ribbon.

The Quick Access Toolbar

The Quick access toolbar is a screen section, found either above or below the RIbbon, where you can add shortcuts to your most used ONE screen Buttons and thus allowing quick and easy access.

To add a Button to the Quick Access Toolbar you need to right click on the Button in the Ribbon that you want the shortcut created for, and then select "Add to Quick Access Toolbar" as shown in the following screen shot:

Add Button o Quick Access Toolbar  


Note that the Quick Access Toolbar can also be maintained (shortcuts added and deleted) using the "Customize Quick Access Toolbar" option as shown above.

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