Trade Analysis screen area

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Trade Analysis screen area

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What is the Trade Analysis screen area?

The Trade Analysis screen area is used to give detailed information about the current Open Trading Position (as previously selected in the Open Position screen).

In addition, the Trade Analysis area displays the Position information calculated by the options pricing model and how that data is plotted in the Analysis Tools screen.

Show me the Trade Analysis screen area...

A typical Trade Analysis screen would look as follows:

Trade Analysis screen


Tell me more about the Trade Analysis screen area...

Note that the size of this section can be configured (see here).

There are two different sections in the Trade Analysis screen area:

The first section is used to configure what and how Trades are displayed in the Trade Analysis screen and in the Analysis Tools screen. These controls are found on the top line of the Trade Analysis screen area:

The controls on the Trade Analysis screen



Isolation Mode

Control how ONE should analyse the trades when there are both a Position and Model trade in the Option Chain.

"Combine" - Show the Position and Model trades together on the Model analysis line as if you were making an adjustment to the existing position.

"Separate" - Show the Position and Model trades individually on their respective analysis lines as if they were two completely different trades. This can be used to compare two different positions or strategies.

Expiration Date used in Pricing Model

Control which Expiration Date the pricing model should target when analysing your positions.

"Auto" (default) - Automatically target the Nearest Expiration date in the position. If you have selected SEPARATE Isolation Mode, the Position and Model trades will use their own Nearest Expiration date independently of each other.

Date - Selecting a specific date will instruct ONE to target that date in all pricing model calculations.

Ignore Today's Trades

Analyse the position as if no adjustments had been made for the current Trading Date. This feature can be used to show how the original position would have behaved without adjustments.

The second section displays information about the current Trading Position(s) in the Option Chain. The following items of data are displayed:

The items displayed on the Trade Analysis screen




The type of analysis line displayed. The following values are possible:

"Position" - details all Trades in the Position column (currently committed for the Open Position). If there are no trades in the Position column of the Option Chain (no Open Position) then no Position line is displayed.

"Model" - details all Trades in the Model column (the proposed adjustments to or new Open Position). If there are no trades in the Model column of the Option Chain then no Model line is displayed.


The Margin or Absolute Risk of the analysis line. Note that this field is configurable - click on the column header to be presented with three choices:

Configurating the Trade Analysis Section

Use either the Margin or Absolute Risk as specified in the Configuration Margin Mode (see here).

Current Margin

Current Absolute Risk

The Model line may include the Position line Margin if the "Isolation Mode" is set to "Combine".


The original cost of the analysis line (original debit or credit of the trade when opened). The Model line may include the Position line Cost if the "Isolation Mode" is set to "Combine".

Current Cost

The current cost of the analysis line (current debit or credit of the trade as of "now"). The Model line may include the Position line Current Cost if the "Isolation Mode" is set to "Combine".

The Current Cost is the accumulated cost to enter the position so far (from its inception and up until the currently selected Trading Date & Time) and is calculated by adding up the cost of each relevant line in the Trade Log before adding in the exit costs. The difference between the original Cost and the Current Cost in the PnL.


The total Commission amount of the analysis line. The Model line may include the Position line Commission if the "Isolation Mode" is set to "Combine".

The Commission value per trade is setup as a parameter in Account Settings.


Profit or Loss amount of the analysis line. Commission may or may not be included according to the setting specified in Configuration - General Settings. The Model line may include the Position line Profit/Loss if the "Isolation Mode" is set to "Combine".


The Profit or Loss expressed as a percentage of the Margin. The Model line may include the Position line PnL% if the "Isolation Mode" is set to "Combine".


One of the Greeks - a measure of the sensitivity of the price of the Position/Model to changes in the price of the Underlying. The Model line may include the Position line Delta if the "Isolation Mode" is set to "Combine".


One of the Greeks - a measure of the rate of change in the Position/Model Delta value. The Model line may include the Position line Gamma if the "Isolation Mode" is set to "Combine".


One of the Greeks - a measure of how much the Position/Model will lose or gain for each passing day (as it approaches its expiration date). The Model line may include the Position line Theta if the "Isolation Mode" is set to "Combine".


One of the Greeks - a measure of the sensitivity of the Position/Model to changes in volatility. The Model line may include the Position line Vega if the "Isolation Mode" is set to "Combine".


The ratio of Theta to Delta (Theta / Delta) of the Position/Model. The Model line may include the Position line T/D if the "Isolation Mode" is set to "Combine".


If ticked then plot this analysis on the Risk Profile, otherwise no data is plotted. You can use this control to remove this analysis from the Risk Profile.


To reiterate, the following screen shows the Trade Analysis of a typical Open Position:

Trade Analysis screen

If we then adjust the Open Position by adding contracts to the Model column (see here), the Model trade is automatically added to the Trade Analysis screen:

Trade Analysis screen - Combined Position and Model

Note that the Isolation Mode is set to "Combine". This means that the Model takes on the characteristics of the Open Position as it would look if the Model adjustments were added to it. The Model data therefore details the new "Combined" simulated or proposed Position.

In this example, the Open Position has an existing Margin of $811.50. Adjusting that Position by adding contracts to the Model column of the Option Chain might then increase that Margin to $936.50 while also flattening the position Deltas from -45.65 to -15.83. Here you can see the effect of the adjustment on key position indicators before Committing the trade - you are able to quickly assess the merits of the adjustment when directly compared with the current Position in order to make an informed decision about the suitability of the adjustment based on your objectives and rationale for the trade.

However, changing the Isolation Mode to "Separate" shows the Position and Model as if they were two completely unrelated positions; the original Open position with the Margin of $811.50 and a new Model position with a Margin of $125.

Trade Analysis screen - Separate Position and Model

Why are my Trades missing from the Trade Analysis screen?

Check that you haven't ticked the "Ignore Today's Trades" checkbox and that you have selected the correct Account, Trading Date/Time, Underlying vehicle and Open Position.